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Directorate of the Department of Foreign Affairs

The Department of Foreign Affairs is the administrative reference point of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It provides technical support, by assisting the Ministry in achieving international policy objectives and implementing projects in the political, diplomatic, economic, legal, social and cultural areas. It is divided into five Directorates (Organisational Units), each with specific mission, functions and dedicated human resources.

The Directorate of the Department directs and coordinates the activities of its Organisational Units to achieve the objectives of the Department, supervises the administrative, technical and accounting functions, provides institutional technical support to Government and administration bodies, is responsible for the communication, information and management of international events through its press office and provides translation and interpretation services to support the Ministries, Departments and Organisational Units of the Public Administration.


Director: Matteo Mazza - matteo.mazza@gov.sm


Secretaries: Cristina Corbelli, Cristina Felici, Monica Cervellini, Simona Giordani, Sabrina Fiorani

Administrative Office: Marco Macina, Roberta Canarezza, Silvia Lanci

Interpreters and Translators Office: Marina Volpinari, Maria Teresa Mussoni, Beatrice Borbiconi, Gianluca Bizzocchi

Custodians at Palazzo Begni Maria Grazia Raschi, Sonia Sartini, Susanna Selva


Contacts: +378 (0549) 882337 - info@esteri.sm


Press Office: + 378 (0549) 885400 - ufficiostampa@esteri.sm

Directorate of Economic Affairs

The Directorate of Economic Affairs manages, on the basis of instructions from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, economic relations with other States and International Organisations, supporting the process of development and economic promotion of the Republic.

In particular, it is responsible for:

  1. The examination of economic issues relevant to foreign policy and international relations, and the preparation of the related reports and analyses;
  2. Economic relations with other States and International Organisations, by participating in the activities and fulfilling the requirements of said Organisations;
  3. The negotiation and finalisation of international economic agreements, in particular in the field of taxation, customs and trade, in cooperation with the other Organisational Units of the Public Administration;
  4. The preparation, with respect to issues falling within its competence, of documents and acts to support the activities of the Congress of State (Government) and of the Great and General Council (Parliament);
  5. Any other activity or task related to the above-mentioned activities or provided for by the legislation in force.


Director: Dario Galassi, Ambassador - dario.galassi@esteri.sm


Silvia Marchetti, Counsellor - silvia.marchetti@esteri.sm
Alessandro Davosi, First Secretary - alessandro.davosi@esteri.sm

Federica Toccaceli, Expert - federica.toccaceli@esteri.sm


Contacts: +378 (0549) 882201

Directorate of European Affairs

The Directorate of European Affairs manages relations and negotiation processes with the European Union, on the basis of instructions from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, first of all the negotiations of one or more Association Agreements between the Republic of San Marino and the European Union.

It supervises and manages the negotiation activity, in cooperation with San Marino Permanent Mission in Brussels, by coordinating the activity carried out by San Marino Public Administration.

It takes part in negotiation sessions, prepares the necessary documents and proposes appropriate negotiation indications to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

It supports the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the subsequent activity of reporting to the Congress of State, the Great and General Council, the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs, social partners, professional associations and the population.

It prepares and takes part in exploratory and fact-finding missions to the corresponding sections of the Foreign Ministries of EU countries, in order to establish cooperation and exchange information on European integration issues.

It manages the Cooperation and Customs Union Agreement and, with respect to issues falling within its competence, it assists the Directorate of Economic Affairs in the management of the Monetary Agreement, including by participating in the periodic meetings of the relevant Joint Committee.

In addition:

  1. It performs coordinating functions in the study of the acquis communautaire of the European Union;
  2. It prepares acts and documents to support the work of the competent Institutions;
  3. It draws up legislative proposals for the transposition of the acquis communautaire into national law;
  4. It coordinates the organisation of technical assistance seminars proposed by the European Commission within the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument) Service and requested by San Marino Administration;
  5. It prepares and organises specific seminars, following the Minister’s instructions;
  6. Whenever consulted, it instructs Administration sectors on matters relating to its own activities when they need to carry out in-depth studies with their counterparts in foreign countries;
  7. With respect to issues falling within its competence, it prepares political and technical visits with respect to content and achievement of the Government's objectives.
  8. With respect to issues falling within its competence, it supports the activities of the working groups set up by the Congress of State;
  9. For the purposes of the ongoing negotiations with the EU, it consults and verifies European institutional websites that deal with the political, legislative, case-law and dissemination activities (publications, reports and press releases) of the European Union (European Commission, Council of the EU, Official Journal, Court of Justice of the European Union);
  10. With respect to issues falling within its competence, it assists the Directorate of Economic Affairs in supporting San Marino companies;
  11. It provides collaboration and support to university students in subjects related to the European Union and to the relations between San Marino and the EU, also through training internships;
  12. With respect to issues falling within its competence, it collaborates with the Research Centre for International Relations (CRRI) of the University of San Marino.


Director: Luca Brandi, Ambassador - luca.brandi@esteri.sm



Giovanni Luca Ghiotti, Counsellor - luca.ghiotti@esteri.sm

Giulia Santi, First Secretary - giulia.santi@esteri.sm

Luca Ghinelli, Legal Expert - luca.ghinelli@esteri.sm

Sara Zucchi, Legal Expert - sara.zucchi@esteri.sm

Elisabetta Lonfernini, Legal Expert - elisabetta.lonfernini@esteri.sm

Mattia Conti, Economic Expert - mattia.conti@esteri.sm


Contacts: +378 (0549) 885185 - 882398

Directorate of Legal Affairs

The Directorate of Legal Affairs prepares regulatory measures relating to foreign policy activities and oversees the finalisation of agreements and understandings on bilateral and international issues, also for matters concerning other Departments of the Public Administration.

In addition, it prepares assessments of the compliance of international acts, regulations, agreements and understandings with domestic law and monitors the institutional process for finalising these acts, regulations, agreements and understandings.

It issues legal opinions and deals with international reporting, in cooperation with the other Organisational Units of the Administration. In particular, it monitors international conventions on the protection of minors, trafficking in human beings and violence against women.


Director: Maria Alessandra Albertini, Ambassador - maria.alessandra.albertini@esteri.sm



Giulia Muratori, Legal Expert - giulia.muratori@esteri.sm

Gloria Valentini, Second Secretary - gloria.valentini@esteri.sm
Cecilia Pedini, Second Secretary - cecilia.pedini@esteri.sm

Marco Mularoni, Legal Expert - marco.mularoni@esteri.sm

Contacts: +378 (0549) 882229

Directorate of Political and Diplomatic Affairs

The Directorate of Political and Diplomatic Affairs is responsible for:

  1. The in-depth examination of foreign policy issues on the basis of the policy guidelines decided by the competent Institutional Bodies;
  2. The management of relations with other States and International Organisations, by organising participation in their various initiatives and activities and by preparing studies and reports;
  3. Diplomatic and consular relations, by coordinating and directing the activities of San Marino diplomatic and consular representations to other States and International Organisations;
  4. With respect to issues falling within its competence, the provision of assistance to San Marino citizens abroad, both directly and through diplomatic and consular representations, where present;
  5. The coordination with the consular authorities of Italy or other Schengen countries for the granting of visas to foreign nationals;
  6. The coordination of the activity for the issuing of diplomatic and service passports;
  7. The provision of assistance in the procedures for issuing the various types of visas to San Marino citizens;
  8. With respect to issues falling within its competence, the coordination of preliminary activities for the granting of residence and stay permits;
  9. The coordination of the activities concerning the protection of the interests of San Marino communities abroad, the Council of Citizens Abroad and the organisation of the visits of Authorities and Ministers to San Marino communities abroad;
  10. With respect to issues falling within its competence, the provision of assistance to San Marino citizens residing abroad in the administrative requirements provided for by the laws in force;
  11. With respect to issues falling within its competence, the preparation of documents and acts to support the activities of the competent Commissions, the Congress of State and the Great and General Council.

This Directorate cooperates with the University of San Marino and with the competent Organisational Units of the Administration in the in-depth study and dissemination of the migration phenomena of San Marino people, also by participating in collegial bodies established for this purpose and by promoting the involvement of the Council and Communities of San Marino citizens residing abroad. 


Director:   Federica Bigi, Ambassador - federica.bigi@esteri.sm


Ilaria Salicioni, Counsellor - ilaria.salicioni@esteri.sm

Chiara Cardogna, Counsellor - chiara.cardogna@esteri.sm
Beatrice Simoncini, First Secretary - beatrice.simoncini@esteri.sm

Giulia Suzzi Valli, First Secretary - giulia.suzzivalli@esteri.sm

Bojana Gruska, First Secretary - bojana.gruska@esteri.sm

Filippo Panzavolta, Second Secretary - filippo.panzavolta@esteri.sm

Maria Giacomini, Second Secretary - maria.giacomini@esteri.sm
Marinella Chiaruzzi, Expert - marinella.chiaruzzi@esteri.sm
Roberto Moretti, Technical Assistant - roberto.moretti@esteri.sm


Contacts: +378 (0549) 882144

Directorate of Diplomatic Protocol

The Directorate of Diplomatic Protocol is in charge of managing the State Diplomatic Protocol Service and performs the following functions: coordinating and organising ceremonies and visits taking place in San Marino, as well as visits abroad by the highest representatives of the State, and organising official Audiences granted by the Captains Regent, with respect to issues falling within its competence. It also draws up and updates the list of accredited Diplomatic and Consular Representatives and those of San Marino, and issues diplomatic identity documents. It supervises the Military Protocol, in coordination with the competent military bodies, with respect to issues falling within its competence. It draws up the minutes of the Grand Mastership of the Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha and carries out the preliminary activities for the relevant files and for those of the Equestrian Order of San Marino. It organises and coordinates the oath ceremonies of the new members of San Marino Diplomatic and Consular Corps. Finally, it is responsible for the performance of any other activity or task related to the above functions or provided for by the laws in force.


Director: Silvia Berti, Counsellor - silvia.berti@esteri.sm



Sara Tamagnini, First Secretary - sara.tamagnini@esteri.sm

Fabio Righi, Administrative Expert – fabio.righi@esteri.sm

Caterina Cardinali, Second Secretary - caterina.cardinali@esteri.sm


Contacts: +378 (0549) 882229