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Department Diplomatic Representations of San Marino

Embassy of San Marino to Albania


Ambassador: Giuseppe Maria Della Balda

Appointment: 7 January 2008


Tel: + 355.692245446

E-mail: amb.albania@gov.sm

Ambassador’s email: peppino.dellabalda@gmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to Algeria


Ambassador: Emmanuel Charles Goût

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Tel. +39 - 348 - 3384507

E-mail: amb.gout@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Andorra


Ambassador: Luca Brandi

Appointment: 8 November 2019


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: +378 (0549)  882314

Fax: +378 (0549)  882422


Embassy of San Marino to Argentina


Ambassador: Giovanni Maria d'Avossa

Appointment: 15 January 2018


Posadas, 1111  apto. 5E, Capital Federal  C1011ABC (Argentina)

Secretary of the Embassy - Ms. Betina Garcia Marcos ( mobile: +54 911 58679431) - e - mail:  amb.argentina@gov.sm

Ambassador Giovanni Maria d'Avossa: (mobile: +54 911 60537483  /  +39 347.6080.903 - e-mail: amb.davossa@gov.sm

Embassy of the Republic of San Marino to the Republic of Armenia


Ambassador: Delfina Rossi

Appointment: 24 October 2022


Via G. Finali, 5 - 47893 BORGO MAGGIORE

tel. +39 339 7248559

Email: amb.armenia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Austria


Ambassador: Elena Molaroni

Appointment: 18 February 2008


Prinz Eugen Strasse 16/2/31

A - 1040 VIENNA

Tel: + 43 - 1 - 9415969

Fax: + 43 - 1 - 9415975

E-mail: missione.vienna@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Azerbaijan


Ambassador: John Mazza

Appointment: 6 August 2018


Via Luigi Cibrario, 25

47893 Borgo Maggiore



Tel: +378 (0549) 903001

Fax: +378 (0549) 907483

E-mail: amb.johnmazza@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Belgium


Ambassador: Eros Gasperoni

Appointment: 23 October 2024


Minister Plenipotentiary: Lisa Gualtieri

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Counsellor: Lino Zonzini

Appointment: 14 November 2023


62, Av. Franklin Roosevelt


Tel: +32-2-6442224 / +32-2-6443849

Fax: +32-2-6442057

E-mail: missione.bruxelles@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Bosnia and Herzegovina


Ambassador: Michele Chiaruzzi

Appointment: 18 February 2008


Ul. Mjedenica, 33


Tel: +378 - 33 - 223447

Fax: +378 - 33 - 223447

E-mail: amb.bosniaerzegovina@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Brazil


Ambassador: Filippo Francini

Appointment: 19 April 2011


Via delle Mimose, 50

47895 Domagnano



Tel: + 39 334 1822636

E-mail: amb.brasile@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Canada


Ambassador: Damiano Beleffi

Appointment: 8 November 2010


327 E. 50th Street

NEW YORK N.Y. 10022 (USA)


Tel: + 1 - 212 - 7511234

Fax: + 1 - 212 - 7511436

E-mail: amb.canada@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the People's Republic of China


Ambassador: Dario Galassi

Appointment: 15 July 2019


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882215

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.cina@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Colombia


Ambassador: Andrea Griminelli

Appointment: 23 November 2020


Via Luigi Bodio, 68 - 00191 ROME

Tel: +39-06-3211542

E-mail: amb.colombia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Costa Rica


Ambasador: Natascia Bartolini
Appointment: 14 November 2023


327 E. 50th Street

NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 (USA)


Tel: + 1 - 212 - 7511234

Fax: + 1 - 212 - 7511436


Embassy of San Marino to Croatia


Ambassador: Marina Emiliani

Appointment: 10 July 2019


Strada di Monte Olivo, 74




Tel: +39-06-8072511

E-mail: amb.croazia@gov.sm ; marina.emiliani@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Cuba


Ambassador: Giulia Suzzi Valli

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino (Republic of San Marino)

Tel. +378 (0549) 885402

Fax +378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.cuba@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Czech Republic


Ambassador: Pietro Giacomini

Appointment: 6 February 1995


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 39 - 335 7336100

E-mail: amb.giacomini@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Estonia


Ambassador: Silvia Berti

Appointment: 21 May 2007


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882221

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.estonia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Finland


Ambassador: Silvia Berti

Appointment: 5 April 2018


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882221

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.finlandia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to France


Ambassador: Leopoldo Guardigli

Appointment:  18 July 2022



Minister Plenipotentiary: Maurizio Borletti

Appointment: 18 October 2024


5 avenue Gourgaud

75017 Paris



Tel: + 33 - 1 - 47230475

E-mail: missione.parigi@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Georgia


Ambassador: Bruno Mari

Appointment: 11 March 2014


Via Antonio Gramsci, 14/a

05021 Acquasparta (TERNI)


Mobile: + 393 - 337041186

E-mail: amb.georgia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Germany


Ambassador: Dario Galassi

Appointment: 15 March 2016


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882215

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.germania@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Greece


Ambassador: Eisabetta Bucci

Appointment: 8 October 2024


6, Rue des Arquebusiers



Tel: +33-3-88-360944

Fax: +33-3-88-251725

E-mail: amb.grecia@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to the Holy See


Ambassador: Maria Alessandra Albertini

Appointment: 15 March 2016



Counsellor Padre Ciro Benedettini

Appointment: 30 October 2017


E-mail: amb.santasede@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Hungary


Ambassador: Ilaria Salicioni

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882156

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.ungheria@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Iceland


Ambassador: Federica Bigi

Appointment: 5 April 2018


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882232

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.islanda@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino in Indonesia


Ambassador: Germano Valle Barbero

Nomination: 31 January 2012


Tokopedia Tower 35th floor
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 11, Karet Semanggi



Tel: + 62 21 2526055

Emergency number: +62 - 811 – 1912891

Fax: + 62 21 25260055

E-mail: emb.indonesia@gov.sm

Sito web: http://rsm-indonesia.com

Embassy of San Marino to Italy


Ambassador: Daniela Rotondaro

Appointment: 26 October 2009



Counsellor: Marina Emiliani

Appointment: 22 October 2007


Via Eleonora Duse, 35

00197 ROME


Tel: + 39 - 06 - 8072511

Fax: + 39 - 06 - 8070072


Embassy of San Marino to Japan


Ambassador: Manlio Cadelo

Appointment: 15 April 2002



Counsellor: Riccardo Riccioni

Appointment: 17 December 2007


3-5-1 Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku

TOKYO 106-0046


Tel: + 81 - 3 - 54147745

Fax: + 81 - 3 - 34056789

E-mail: amb.giappone@gov.sm

Ambassador’s e-mail: amb.cadelo@gov.sm

Website: http://www.rsm-giappone.com

Embassy of San Marino to Jordan


Ambassador: Prof. Igor Pellicciari

Appointment: 23 April 2019


Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99

Torre B, 11/15 478981 Dogana

Republic of San Marino


Tel: +378 (0549) 964950 - +39 3663400172

E-mail: amb.giordania@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Kazakhstan


Ambassador: John Mazza

Appointment: 3 September 2019


Via Luigi Cibrario, 25

47893 Borgo Maggiore



Tel: +378 (0549) 903001

Fax: +378 (0549) 907483

E-mail: amb.johnmazza@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Republic of Kenya


Ambassador: Giovanni Conti

Appointment: 12 July 2021


Tumaini House  7th Floor  Nkurumah Lane



Tel: +254 0700 830669

E-mail: amb.kenya@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to Kosovo


Ambassador: Stefano Stolfi

Appointment: 9 October 2017


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 970576

E-mail: amb.stolfi@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Latvia


Ambassador: Silvia Marchetti

Appointment: 25 July 2022


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 883602

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.lettonia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Lithuania


Ambassador: Silvia Berti

Appointment: 5 April 2018


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882221

Fax: + 39 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.lituania@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Luxembourg


Ambassador: Leopoldo Guardigli

Appointment:  21 November 2023


5 avenue Gourgaud

75017 Paris



Tel: + 33 - 1 - 47230475

E-mail: amb.lussemburgo@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Malaysia


Ambassador: Mauro Montanari

Appointment: 28 June 2004


Strada Agnellino da Piandavello, 26

47895 Domagnano



Tel: + 378 (0549) 903775

Fax: +378 (0549) 903775

E-mail: amb.malaysia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Malta


Ambassador: Maria Alessandra Albertini

Appointment: 24 January 2000


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: +378 (0549) 882213

Fax: +378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: maria.alessandra.albertini@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Mexico


Ambassador: Natascia Bartolini

Appointment: 15 March 2016


327 E. 50th Street
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 (USA)


Tel: + 1 - 212 - 7511234

Fax: + 1 - 212 - 7511436

E-mail: sanmarinoembassy.mexico@gmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to Moldova


Ambasssador: Renato Nibbio Bonnet

Appointment: 24 October 2023


Via Borgo dei Leoni, 83 - Interno 9

44121 Ferrara


Tel.: +39-333-5660673

E-mail: amb.moldova@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Monaco


Ambassador: Giovanni Luca Ghiotti

Appointment: 29 novembre 2021


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 885185

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.monaco@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Montenegro


Ambassador: Chiara Cardogna

Appointment: 29 November 2021


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882225

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.montenegro@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Netherlands


Ambassador: Eros Gasperoni

Appointment:  14 November 2023


62, Av. Franklin Roosevelt

1050 Bruxelles (Belgium)


Tel: + 32 - 2 - 6442224

Fax: + 32 - 2 - 6442057

E-mail: missione.bruxelles@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to North Mecdonia


Ambassador: Chiara Cardogna

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni
Contrada Omerelli
Tel.: +378-0549-882225

E-mail: amb.macedoniadelnord@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to the Kingdom of Norway


Ambassador: Federica Bigi

Appointment: 30 May 2019


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 378 (0549) 882232

Fax: + 378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.norvegia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Paraguay


Ambassador: Pablo José Sandonato de León

Appointement: 12 September 2022


Tel: +41-79-613-2651

E-mail: amb.paraguay@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Peru


Ambassador: Francesco Lucio Bongarrà

Appointment: 19 April 2011


Via Gela, 89

00182 ROME


Fax: + 39 06 56562919

E-mail: amb.peru@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Poland


Ambassador: Silvia Marchetti

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino (Republic of San Marino)

Tel. +378 (0549) 883602

Fax +378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.polonia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Portugal


Ambassador: Silvia Marchetti

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel. +378 (0549) 883602

Fax +378 (0549) 882422

E-mail: amb.portogallo@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to Qatar


Ambassador: José Manuel De Mollinedo Martinez

Appointment: 20 October 2003


Calle Padre Jesus Ordonez, 18

28002 MADRID


Tel: + 34 - 91 - 5639000

Fax: + 34 - 91 - 5631931

E-mail: amb.qatar@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Republic of Korea


Ambassador: Rino Micheloni

Appointment: 18 June 2018


Via Roma, 23

22010 Moltrasio (CO)


Mobile Phone +39 349 5803721

E-mail: amb.coreadelsud@gov.sm  

Embassy of San Marino to Romania


Ambassador: Marina Emiliani

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Via Eleonora Duse, 35

00197 Roma
Telefono: +39-06-8072511
Telefax: +39-06-8070072

E-mail: amb.romania@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to the Russian Federation


Ambassador: Marcello Beccari

Appointment: 1 March 2018


Rue de la Faucille, 14

1201 Geneva


Tel: + 41 -22- 9185020

Fax: + 41 - 22 - 9185029

E-mail: mission.rsm@hotmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to Serbia


Ambassador: Lino Zonzini

Appointment: 10 September 2019


Palazzo Begni

Contrada Omerelli


Tel. +378-0549-882158

Fax: +378-0549-882422

E-mail: amb.serbia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Slovak Republic


Ambassador: Elena Molaroni

Appointment: 23 July 2024


Prinz Eugen Strasse 16/2/31



Tel: +43-1-9415969

Fax: +43-1-9415975

E-mail: amb.slovacchia@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to Slovenia


Ambassador: Lisa Gualtieri 

Appointment: 23 November 2023


62, Av. Franklin Roosevelt


Tel: +32-2-6442224 - +32-2-6443849

Fax: +32-2-6442057


E-mail: amb.slovenia@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to South Africa


Ambassador: Pietro Giacomini

Appointment: 6 February 1995


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino



Tel: + 39 335 7336100

E-mail: amb.giacomini@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the Sovereign Order of Malta


Ambassador: Maria Alessandra Albertini

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Minister Plenipotentiary: Cesare Tabarrini

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31
47890 San Marino

Tel: + 378 - 0549 - 882213
Fax: + 378 - 0549 - 882422
E-mail: amb.smom@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Spain

Ambassador: Luca Brandi

Appointment: 5 April 2018


Palazzo Begni

Contrada Omerelli


Tel. +378-0549-882314

Fax: +378-0549-882422

E-mail: amb.spagna@gov.sm



Counsellor: Andrea Della Balda

Appointment: 2 June 2005


Calle Padre Jesus Ordonez, 18

28002 MADRID



Tel: + 34 - 91 - 5639000

Fax: + 34 - 91 - 5631931

Embassy of San Marino to Switzerland


Ambassador: Marcello Beccari

Appointment: 9 October 2017


Rue de la Faucille, 14

1201 Geneva (Switzerland)


Tel: + 41 -22- 9185020

Fax: + 41 - 22 - 9185029

E-mail: missione.ginevra@esteri.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Thailand


Ambassador: Jessica Gasperoni

Appointment: 20 March 2012


Strada Lamaticcie, 83

47899 Serravalle



Tel: +378 (0549) 904286 / 901847

Fax: + 378 (0549) 904287

E-mail: jessicagasperoni@hotmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to Tunisia


Ambassador: Lino Zonzini

Appointment: 19 September 2018


Palazzo Begni

Contrada Omerelli


Tel. +378-0549-882158

Fax: +378-0549-882422

E-mail: amb.tunisia@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to Türkiye


Ambassador: Giorgio Girelli

Appointment: 31 October 2005


Via della Farnesina, 323

00194 ROME


Tel: + 39 - 06 3290822

E-mail: cancelleria.ambasciatarsm@gmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to the United Arab Emirates


Ambassador: Elisabetta Bucci

Appointment: 8 November 2021


6, Rue des Arquebusiers


Tel: +33-3-88-360944

Fax: +33-3-88-251725

E-mail: amb.eau@gov.sm

Embassy of San Marino to the United Kingdom


Ambassador: Dario Galassi

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31

47890 San Marino (Republica of San Marino)

Telefono: +378-0549-882215

Telefax: +378-0549-882422

E-mail: amb.regnounito@gov.sm


Embassy of San Marino to the United States


Ambassador: Damiano Beleffi

Appointment: 10 August 2016



First Counsellor Natascia Bartolini

Appointment: 24 November 2020


327 E. 50th Street

NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 (USA)


Tel: + 1 - 212 - 7511234

Fax: + 1 - 212 - 7511436

E-mail: smrassistant@gmail.com

Embassy of San Marino to Vietnam


Ambassador: Massimo Ferdinandi

Appointment: 20 March 2012


Jalan Loyang besar 161A, 02.04,



E-mail: amb.ferdinandi@gov.sm

Emergency phone number: +84 1698928108 (available 24/7 - Italian speaking operator)

Department Consular Representations of San Marino

Honorary Consulate General in Tirana


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Esat Ademi

Appointment: 18 June 2007


Rr. George W. Bush

Pall. 40-42


Tel: + 355.698060000

E-mail: cons.tirana@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Albania

Honorary Consulate General in Buenos Aires


Office holder: Honorary Consul Viviana Daniela Gennari

Appointment: 4 April 2005


Paranà 791 - 6° Piso - Dpto. "B"


Tel: + 54 -11- 43749057

Fax: + 54 - 11 - 43749057

E-mail: cons.gral.ba@sanmarino.int.ar


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Corrientes, Entre Rios, La Pampa, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, San Luis, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida and Islas del Atlántico Sur



Honurary Consulate in Mendoza


Office holder: Honorary Consul Juan Carlos Benvenuti

Appointment: 31 October 2005


Angel Furlotti 451


Tel: + 54 - 261 - 4972354

Fax: + 54 - 261 - 4972354


E-mail: cons.sanmarino.mendoza@gmail.com


Jurisdiction: Province of Mendoza



Honorary Consulate in Pergamino


Office holder: Honorary Consul Leonardo Horacio Agostini

Appointment: 31 October 2005


San Nicolas 555

2° Piso Oficina D y E


Tel: + 54 - 9 - 2477 - 357466

Fax: + 54 - 9 - 2477 - 357466

E-mail: leohoracioagostini@gmail.com



Jurisdiction: City of Pergamino

Honorary Consulate in Perth


Office holder: Honorary Consul Fabio Canini

Appointment: 12 April 2021


27/22 Pollen Grove, Jolimont
Tel: +61  4812 30244

E-mail: cons.perth@gov.sm


Jurisdicition: territory of Western Australia


Honorary Consulate in Sydney


Office holder: Honorary Consul Simon David Mordant

Appointment: 12 april 2021


Level 32 Aurora Place
88 Phillip Street
Tel: +61  29 001 0201
Mobile: +61 411 406 229

E-mail: cons.sydney@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Australia, with the exception of Western Australia

Honorary Consulate General in Vienna


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Christoph Petsch

Appointment: 25 January 1999


Schubertring 14

A - 1010 VIENNA

Tel: + 43 - 1 - 5862180

Fax: + 43 - 1 – 5862235

E-mail: sanmarino@pfka.eu


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Austria

Honorary Consulate in Baku


Office holder: Honorary Consul Rasim Gasimov

Appointment: 9 April 2018


Feyzullah Gasimzadeh Street 9




Tel: + 994 - 12 - 4406388 / 5411777

Fax: + 994 - 12 - 4406388

E-mail: rsm.azerbaijan@honoraryconsulate.az


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Consular Section of the Embassy in Belgium


62, Av. Franklin Roosevelt


Tel: + 32 - 2 - 6442224

Fax: + 32 - 2 - 6442057

E-mail: cons.bruxelles@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Kingdom of Belgium

Honorary Consulate General in Sarajevo


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Sead Kreševljaković

Appointment: 17 March 2008


Sarajevski Gazija 21


Tel: + 387 - 62 897342

Fax: + 387 - 33 223447

E-mail: konzulatrsm@gmail.com



Jurisdiction: entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Honourary Consulate in Sao Paulo


Office holder: Honorary Consul Mario Antonio Turnaturi

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Av. Paulista 2001

conj 608

São Paulo SP cep 1311300


Tel: + 55 - 11 - 31689725

Fax: + 55 - 11 - 31689725

E-mail: cons.sanpaolo@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: States of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo

Honorary Consulate in Plovdiv


Office holder: Honorary Consul Elena Stefanova Georgieva

Appointment: 9 February 2018


Georgi Benkovski 35

4000 Plovdiv


Tel: + 359 - 897 - 768533

E-mail: cons.plovdiv@gov.sm

E-mail: adv_elenageorgieva@abv.bg


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Bulgaria

Honorary Consulate in Toronto


Office holder: Honorary Consul Paul Beatty Scargall

Appointment: 27 March 2019


17 Leader Lane

Toronto, Ontario M5E 1L8 (CANADA)

Tel: +416-8693417

Fax: +416-8692201

E-mail: paul.scargall@sokllp.com


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and North-West and Youkon Territories

Honorary Consulate General in Bogotà


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Serafino Iacono

Appointment: 12 settembre 2022


Calle 93#11A 28 oficina 403

Edificio Capital Park

Bogotá D.C. (Colombia)

telefono: +57-601-3904564

e-mail: cons.bogota@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Columbia

Honorary Consulate in Zagreb


Office holder: Honorary Consul Marko Ilić

Appointment: 26 February 2017


Via Ive Mallina, 19

10000 (Zagreb)

Tel: + 385 1 6688980

E-mail: san.marino.consolato.zg@net.hr


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Croatia

Honorary Consulate General in Prague


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Guido Resca

Appointment: 24 September 2007


Thunovská 19

PRAHA 1 118 00


Tel: + 420 - 257535681

Fax: + 420 - 257531189

E-mail: konzulatsanmarino@volny.cz


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Czech Republic

Honorary Consulate in Santo Domingo


Office holder: Honorary Consul Alessandro Mario Segnini Bocchia di San Lorenzo

Appointment: 26 February 2017


Plaza Mirador, Av. Núñez de Cáceres 106A
10114 Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)


Tel: + 1 - 829 - 9463586 / + 39 - 348 - 3785287

Fax: + 1 - 202 -8880889

E-mail: cons.santodomingo@gov.sm

Website: http://www.consrsm.eu


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Dominican Republic

Honorary Consulate General in Helsinki


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Jukka Luostarinen

Appointment: 25 February 2008


Kesäkatu 8, B 22,



Tel: +358 - 9 - 4176030

Fax: +358 - 9 - 41760417

E-mail: cons.helsinki@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Finland

Consular Section of the Embassy in France


Office holder: Ambassador Leopoldo Guardigli

Appointment: 18 July 2022


5 avenue Gourgaud

75017 Paris (FRANCE)

Tel: + 33 - 1 - 47230475

Email: cons.parigi@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of France, with the exception of the Departments of Isère, Saone et Loire, Jura, Rhone, Ain, Haute Savoie, Savoie, Drôme, Vendée Deux-Sevrès , Vienne, Charente, Haute Vienne, Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Dordogne, Lot, Lot et Garonne, Gers, Tarn et Garonne, Landes, Pyrenées Atlantiques and Hautes Pyrenées.


Honorary Consulate in Grenoble


Office holder: Honorary Consul Eliane Rastelli

Appointment: 29 October 1979



Registrar: Marilyn Gasperoni

Appointment: 28 June 2004


10, Rue de Belgrade


Tel: + 33 - 4 - 76463682

E-mail: cons.grenoble@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Departments of Isère, Saone et Loire, Jura, Rhone, Ain, Haute Savoie, Savoie, Drôme


Honorary Consulate in Bordeaux


Office holder: Honorary Consul Hugues Hervé Henri Duboscq

Appointment: 1 March 2018


3, Quai de Bacalan


Tel: + 33 - 5 - 56391329

E-mail: cons.bordeaux@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Departments of Vendée Deux-Sevrès , Vienne, Charente, Haute Vienne, Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Dordogne, Lot, Lot et Garonne, Gers, Tarn et Garonne, Landes, Pyrenées Atlantiques and Hautes Pyrenées.

Honorary Consulate in Tbilisi


Office holder: Honorary Consul Giorgi Salakaia


Liberty Square, 4

Office 329

0105 Tbilisi


Tel: +995 32 2936243

Fax: +995 32 2936243

E-mail: cons.tbilisi@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Georgia

Honorary Consulate in Munich


Office holder: Honorary Consul Till Otto Schillik

Appointment: 16 June 2003


Römerstrasse 1


Tel: + 49 - 8121- 97731-0

Fax: + 49 - 8121- 97731-20

E-mail: consolato-onorario-rsm@web.de


Jurisdiction: Länder of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg

Honorary Consulate General in New Delhi


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Analjit Singh

Appointment: 31 agosto 2020


1, South End - Rajesh Pilot Lane

New Delhi 110011 (INDIA)


Telefono: +91-11-23015850

E-mail: cons.nuovadelhi@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of India, with the exception of restricted and protected areas

Honourary Consulate in Surabaya


Office holder: Honorary Consul Maxixe Mantofa

Appointment: 25 April 2018


Spazio Unit #626

Jl. Mayjen Yono Soewoyo Kav. 3

Surabaya, 60226

Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (31) 99150213

Fax: +62 (31) 99150488
Emergency contact: +628113599960
E-mail: cons.surabaya@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: East Java Province (Republic of Indonesia)

Honorary Consulate in Dublin


Office holder: Honorary Consul Furio Pietribiasi

Appointemnet: 18 July 2023


23 Howth Road,

Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 VF82



Tel. +353 87 9846147

email: cons.dublino@gov.sm

Honorary Consulate General in Tel Aviv


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Michal Servadio-Ilan

Appointment: 28 June 2004


19 Kerem Hazeitim St.


Tel: + 972 - 3 - 5356625 / 6354083

Fax: + 972 - 3 - 5347038 / 6354084


Jurisdiction: entire State of Israel with the exception of the territory of the City of Jerusalem



Honorary Consulate in Jerusalem


Office holder: Honorary Consul Daniel Nessimi

Appointment: 20 October 2004


49, Aeshel Street


Tel: + 972 - 9 - 9576575

Fax: + 972 - 3 - 5753590


Jurisdiction: City of Jerusalem

Consulate General in Rome


Office holder: Consul General Marina Emiliani

Appointment: 22 October 2007


Via Eleonora Duse, 35

00197 ROME

Tel: + 39 - 06 - 8074582

Fax: + 39 - 06 - 8070072

E-mail: cons.roma@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Grosseto, Rome, L'Aquila, Rieti, Frosinone, Viterbo, Terni and Latina.



Honorary Consulate in Bari


Office holder: Honorary Consul Michele Bollettieri

Appointment: 3 June 1996


Corso Cavour, 143

70121 BARI

Tel: + 39 - 080 - 5244302

Fax: + 39 - 080 - 5244302

E-mail: cons.bari@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Chieti, Campobasso, Foggia, Bari and Lecce.



Honorary Consulate in Bologna


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Ferrara and Rovigo.


The Consulate is currently vacant. Citizens who require consular assistance in the jurisdiction of the Consulate may apply to the consular section of the Embassy of San Marino in Italy or to the Department of Foreign Affairs.



Honorary Consulate in Florence


Office holder: Honorary Consul Luigi Rogantini

Appointment: 11 November 1991



Registrar: Gilberto Leardini

Appointment: 8 March 1993


Via Roma, 3


Tel: + 39 - 055 - 210864

Fax: + 39 - 055 - 216597

E-mail: cons.firenze@gov.sm



Jurisdiction: Provinces of Florence, Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, Siena, Arezzo and Pistoia.



Honorary Consulate in Genoa


Office holder: Honorary Consul Valentina Maiani

Appointment: 9 December 2010



Registrar: Maria Pia Tura

Appointment: 29 July 1997


Salita Salvatore Viale, 1/16

4° piano

16128 GENOA

Tel: + 39 - 010 - 414587

Fax: + 39 - 010 - 8632364

E-mail: cons.genova@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Imperia, Genoa, Massa Carrara, Savona and La Spezia.


Honorary Consulate in Grosseto


Office holder: Honorary Consul Luciano Serra

Appointment: 7 February 2022


Via Porto Turistico, 12

58100 Marina di Grosseto (GR)

Tel: + 39 - 0564 - 415632 / 415689

Fax: + 39 - 0564 - 421604

E-mail: cons.grosseto@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: territory of the Province of Grosseto.


Honorary Consulate in Milan


Office holder: Honorary Consul Sergio Dompé

Appointment: 28 June 2004


Via Santa Lucia,6

20122 MILAN

Tel: + 39 - 02 - 58301172

Fax: + 39 - 02 - 58301399

E-mail: cons.milano@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Sondrio, Milan, Pavia, Cremona, Brescia, Bergamo, Varese, Como and Mantova.



Honorary Consulate in Naples


Office holder: Honorary Consul Andrea Torino

Appointment: 8 March 2010


Via Loggia dei Pisani, 13

80133 NAPLES

Tel: + 39 - 081 - 5519645

Fax: + 39 - 081 - 5802599

E-mail: cons.napoli@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Naples, Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Cosenza, Crotone, Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia



Honorary Consulate in Ravenna


Office holder: Honorary Consul Marino Forcellini

Appointment: 29 October 1979



Registrar: Loredana Muratori

Appointment: 14 September 1990


Via G. Rasponi, 8


Tel: + 39 - 0544 - 37086

Fax: + 39 - 0544 - 37086

E-mail: cons.ravenna@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Ravenna and Pesaro-Urbino.



Honorary Consulate in Rimini


Office holder: Honorary Consul Benedetta Nicolini

Appointment: 10 December 2015


Corso d'Augusto, 14

47921 RIMINI

Tel: + 39 - 0541 - 392085

Fax: + 39 - 0541 - 306698

E-mail: cons.rimini@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini.



Honorary Consulate in Turin


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Turin, Cuneo, Alessandria, Novara, Aosta and Vercelli.


The Consulate is currently vacant. Citizens who require consular assistance in the jurisdiction of the Consulate may apply to the consular section of the Embassy of San Marino in Italy or to the Department of Foreign Affairs.


Honorary Consulate in Venice


Office holder: Honorary Consul Lorenza Mel

Appointment: 7 April 2004


Piazza Bertati, 1

30030 Martellago (VENICE)

Tel: + 39 - 041 - 5409722

Fax: + 39 - 041 - 5408717

E-mail: cons.venezia@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Belluno, Padua, Treviso, Venice, Verona and Vicenza.

Honorary Consulate in Osaka-Kobe


Office holder: Honorary Consul Hiroshi Okura

Appointment: 25 May 2003


6-13-1 Nakamachi Minatoshima


650-0046 KOBE

Tel: + 81 - 78 - 3033933

Fax: + 81 - 78 - 3033933


Jurisdiction: Kansai Region

Honorary Consulate in Amman


Office holder: Honorary Consul Samer Ghazi Kawar

Appointment: 31 January 2012



Ahmad Bashal Al Jazzar Street

Villa # 12



P.O Box 20264

P.C AMMAN 11118 - Samer Kawar


Tel: + 962 - 79 -7554422

Fax: + 962 - 6 - 4612897

E-mail: cons.amman@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Honorary Consulate in Bishkek


Office holder: Honorary Consul Nazarbekov Marat Rysbekovich

Appointment: 23 April 2019


27/1 Gorky str. Business Center “VEFA”

Fourth Floor

BISHKEK (Kyrgyz Republic)

Tel. +996312596776

E-mail: cons.bishkek@gov.sm

Honorary Consulate in Riga


Office holder: Honorary Consul Edgars Pastars
Appointment: 5 August 2019


Marijas iela 13 K-2 – 3
LV-1050, Riga

Tel: +371 6720 1800
Mobile: +371 2921 3847
E-mail: cons.riga@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Latvia

Honorary Consulate General in Lebanon


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Youssef Zoghaib

Appointment: 8 January 2001


Rue Nagib El Khoury

Résidence Zoghaib

Amchit (Byblos)


Tel: + 961 - 9 - 621088

E-mail: cons.beirut@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Lebanon

Honorary Consulate in Luxembourg


Office holder: Honorary Consul Fabio Morvilli

Appointment: 26 June 2012


12,  rue du Château

L-7463 Pettingen


Tel: + 352 - 26 - 32196767

Fax: +352 - 26 - 32196726

E-mail: cons.lussemburgo@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Honorary Consulate in Kuala Lumpur


Office holder: Honorary Consul Dato' Muthanna Bin Abdullah

Appointment: 26 February 2017


17 th Floor UBN Tower

10 Jalan Ramlee


Tel: + 603 76119938

E-mail: secretariat@sanmarinoconsulate-kl.com

Consul’s e-mail: muthanna@sanmarinoconsulate-kl.com


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Malaysia

Honorary Consulate General in Malta


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Martin Testaferrata Moroni Viani

Appointment: 31 October 2005


2, St. Ubaldesca Str

Paola Pla

1401 MALTA

Tel: + 356-21-674956 / 673082

Fax: + 356-21- 674957

E-mail: tmv@maltanet.net


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Malta

Honorary Consulate in Mexico City


Office holder: Honorary Consul Patrick Edward Devlyn Porras

Appointment: 30 April 2018


Bosque de Limas 18

Colonia Bosques de las Lomas

Alcaldía Cuajimalpa de Morelos

C.P. 05120, Mexico City


Tel: + 52 1 55 5903 7551

E-mail: cons.cittadelmessico@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Mexico with the exception of the State of Quintana Roo


Honorary Consulate in Playa del Carmen


Office holder: Honorary Consul Brunello Benvenuti

Appointment: 7 December 2020


Calle 28 entre 5a y10a avenida

Colonia Centro

C:P 77710 Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo
Telefono: +52 1984 1290701
email: cons.playadelcarmen@gov.sm



Jurisdiction: State of Quintana Roo

Honorary Consulate in Casablanca


Office holder: Honorary Consul Sidi Mohamed Slimani

Appointment: 9 September 2019


185 Boulevard Zerktouni


Tel. +212-6-69036211

E-mail: cons.casablanca@gov.sm

Honorary Consulate in Oslo


Office holder: Honorary Consul Inge Grødum

Appointment: 30 April 2018


Bestumveien 49 - 0280

OSLO (Norway)


Tel: +47-90180071

E-mail: cons.oslo@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Norway

Honorary Consulate in Panama


Office holder: Honorary Consul Lorenzo Verlicchi

Appointment: 1 July 2019


P.H. Santa Maria COURT

Torre West - Piso 7

Santa Maria, Panama City



Tel. +507 383-0301

Mobile +507 6465-5444

E-mail: cons.panama@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Panama

Honorary Consulate General in Manila


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Jean Henri D. Lhuillier

Appointment: 25 June 2007


Ground Floor, PJL Corporate Centre Bldg

1782 Nicanor Garcia corner Candelaria Strs.

Makati City ,1209, PHILIPPINES

Tel: + 632 - 8979331

E-mail: cons.manila@gov.sm

Consul’s e-mail: cons.lhuillier@gov.sm

Website: http://rsm-manila.com


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of the Philippines

Honorary Consulate in Warsaw


Office holder: Honorary Consul Rafał Dawid Fleszar

Appointment: 14 March 2022


Ul. Pańska 24
05-110 Jabłonna



Tel: +48 608 772 706

E-mail: cons.varsavia@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of Poland

Honorary Consulate in Lisbon


Office holder: Honorary Consul José Manuel Góis Chilão


Hotel Palácio Estoril

Rua Particular

2769-504 ESTORIL


Tel: + 351 911845459

E-mail: sanmarinoconsolatolx@hotmail.com


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Portugal, with the exception of Oporto District and the territory of North Portugal



Honorary Consulate in Oporto


Office holder: Honorary Consul Luiz Fernando Paiva de Sousa

Appointment: 23 February 1998


Ave. De Montevideu, 760



Tel: + 351 - 2 - 6176356

Fax: + 351 - 2 - 6176356


Jurisdiction: Districts of Vianado Castelo, Braga, Vila Real, Bragança, Porto, Aveiro, Viseu, Guarda, Coimbra, Castelo Branco

Honorary Consulate in Seoul


Office holder: Honorary Consul Soyoung Lee

Nomination: 5 giugno 2019


501, 375, World Cup Buk-ro, Mapo-gu



Tel: +82 01023895750

E-mal: cons.seoul@gov.sm

Honorary Consulate in Pointe-Noire


Office holder: Honorary Consul Marcello della Corte

Appointment: 22 July 2019


Avenue Guy Makosso Songolo

Arrondissement n°5

POINTE-NOIRE (Republic of the Congo)

Tel: +242-055598807

E-mail: cons.pointe-noire@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Republic of the Congo

Honorary Consulate in Singapore


Office holder: Honorary Consul Elaine Seow E-Lin

Appointment: 13 December 2018


20 Cecil Street
Plus Building


Tel: + 65.69500855

Fax: + 65.6900841

E-mail: cons.singapore@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Singapore

Slovak Republic


Honorary Consulate in Šamorín


Office holder: Honorary Consul Rudolf Durdík

Appointment: 12 October 2020


Bratislavská 100/C
931 01 Šamorín

Tel. +421 031 562 1000
Mobile +421 905 444 667

E-mail: cons.samorin@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Slovak Republic

Honorary Consulate General in Pretoria



Office holder: Honorary Consul General: Carina Susanna Fourie

Nomination: 12 aprile 2021


333 Tolstoi Street


Tel: + 27825782268

E-mail: cons.pretoria@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of South Africa, with the exception of the Provinces of Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape



Honorary Consulate in Cape Town


Office holder: Honorary Consul: Nicolette Waterford

Nomination: 23 novembre 2020


52 Upper Primrose Avenue Bishops Court
Cape Town
7708 South Africa


Tel: + 27828074447

E-mail: cons.capetown@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: Provinces of Western Cape, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape

Honorary Consulate in Madrid


Office holder: Honorary Consul José Manuel De Mollinedo Martinez

Appointment: 17 October 1983


Paseo de la Castellana 13/3



Tel: + 34 - 91 - 3193562 / 3193566

Fax: + 34 - 91 – 4105509

Email: cons.madrid@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Kingdom of Spain

Honorary Consulate General in Stockholm


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Richard Lettström

Appointment: 29 April 2002


Svalnäsvägen 45

S - 182 63 DJURSHOLM


Tel: + 46 - 705232501

E-mail: rlettstrom@gmail.com



Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Kingdom of Sweden

Consular functions are performed by the Embassy of San Marino to the Swiss Confederation, based in Geneva.

Jurisdiction: entire territory of the Swiss Confederation, with the exception of the Cantons of Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau and Thurgau.


Honorary Consulate in Zurich


Office holder: Honorary Consul Federico Cherubini

Appointment: 26 April 2021


Rotbuchstrasse 49

8037 Zurich


Mobile: +41 76 775 07 17
E-mail: cons.zurigo@gov.sm


Jurisdiction over the Cantons of Zurich, Berne, Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Obwalden and Nidwalden, Glarus, Zug, Solothurn, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Appenzell Ausserrhoden, St. Gallen, Graubünden, Aargau and Thurgau.

Honorary Consulate in Bangkok


Office holder: Honorary Consul Nippita Pukdeetanakul

Nomination: 16 April 2018


399 Interchange building, 21st floor, unit 9

Sukhumvit road, North Klongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110


Tel: +66 0984603999

e-mail: cons.bangkok@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Thailand

Honorary Consulate General in Istanbul


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Riza Tevfik Morova

Appointment: 19 February 2007


UBA Sitesi C/ Blok D2

Kültür Mahallesi, Arnavutköy Yolu No:4

Etiler - Beşiktaş



Tel: + 90 - 216 - 3720200

Fax: + 90 - 216 - 3720226

E-mail: cons.istanbul@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Türkiye

Honorary Consulate in London


Office holder: Honorary Consul Maurizio Bragagni OBE


15-17, Saint Cross Street

London EC1N 8UW

Tel: +44-0203-1485177

Emergency phone number: +44-7587075258

E-mail: cons.londra@gov.sm

Website: http://www.consolatosanmarino.uk


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Consular functions are performed by the Embassy of San Marino to the United States, based in New York.


Jurisdiction: entire territory of the United States of America, with the exception of the States of Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah and Wisconsin.


Honorary Consulate in Chicago


Office holder: Honorary Consul Robert Vincent Allegrini

Appointment: 19 November 2018


204 N. Dee Road Park Ridge

Illinois 60068



Tel: +1-312-6561594

E-mail: cons.chicago@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: States of Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana


Honorary Consulate in Detroit


Office holder: Honorary Consul Vincenzina Toccaceli Crescentini

Appointment: 25 May 2018


1685 Big-Beaver Road

TROY, MI 48083


Tel: +1-248-5281190

Fax: +1-248-5280357

E-mail: cons.detroit@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: States of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas


Honorary Consulate in San Francisco


Office holder: Honorary Consul Paul Andrew Spiegel

Appointment: 6 February 2019


146 Stanyan Street

San Francisco CA 94118



Cell: +1-415-9717169

Tel: +1-415-6687900

E-mail: cons.sanfrancisco@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: States of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona



Honorary Consulate in Delray Beach


Office holder: Honorary Consul Daniel M. DiLella

Appointment: 30 January 2024


Vista Del Mar Drive

Delray Beach, FL 33483



Tel: +1-215-5752411

E-mail: cons.delray@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: States of Florida, Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina

Honorary Consulate in Montevideo


Office holder: Honorary Consul Claudio Héctor Carlos Melloni de Medina

Appointment: 17 July 2016


Via Charrùa 2567 - 11300



Tel: + 598 - 2 - 7096326

Fax: + 598 - 2 - 7096326

E-mail: cons.montevideo@gov.sm


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Uruguay

Honorary Consulate General in Caracas


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Amelia Patricia Attardi


Av. Ppal de Boleita Norte Con Calle Level

Edf. Castel Gandolfo PB

Urb Boleita Norte



Tel: +58-212-23404042 / +58-212-2428795

Fax: +58-212-2340444

E-mail: patricia.attardi@gmail.com / patricia.attardi@me.com



Jurisdiction: entire territory of Venezuela

Honorary Consulate General in Hanoi


Office holder: Honorary Consul General Vu Quang Hoi

Appointment: 14 April 2008


The Manor Tower

Ground Floor

Me Tri Str

Tu Liem Dist

Hanoi City (VIETNAM)

Tel: + 84 - 4 37949999

E-mail: cons.hanoi@gov.sm

Consul’s e-mail: cons.hoi@gov.sm

Website: http://rsm-hanoi.com


Jurisdiction: entire territory of Vietnam

Department Missions of San Marino

Mission to the European Union


Head of Mission: Ambassador Eros Gasperoni

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Deputy Head of Mission: Minister Plenipotentiary Lisa Gualtieri

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Counsellor: Lino Zonzini

Appointment: 14 November 2023


62, Av. Franklin Roosevelt



Tel: +32-2-6442224 / +32-2-6443849

Fax: +32-2-6442057

E-mail: missione.bruxelles@esteri.sm

Permanent Representation to the United Nations in Geneva and the other International Organizations in Switzerland


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Marcello Beccari

Appointment: 7 August 2014


Rue de la Faucille, 14

1201 Geneva (Switzerland)


Tel: + 41 - 22 - 9185020

Fax: + 41 - 22 - 9185029

E-mail: missione.ginevra@esteri.sm

Permanent Representation to the United Nations in New York


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Damiano Beleffi

Appointment: 7 July 2016


Deputy Permanent Representative: Minister Plenipotentiary Natascia Bartolini

Appointment: 24 November 2020


327 E. 50th Street

NEW YORK N.Y. 10022


Tel: + 1 - 212 - 7511234

Fax: + 1 - 212 -7511436

E-mail: sanmarinoun@gmail.com

Permanent Representation to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Daniela Rotondaro

Appointment: 12 November 2001


Deputy Permanent Representative: Counsellor Marina Emiliani

Appointment: 7 June 2010


Via Eleonora Duse, 35

00197 ROME


Tel: + 39- 06 - 8072511

Fax: + 39- 06 - 8070072

E-mail: ambsmarinofao@ambrsm.it

Permanent Representation to the Council of Europe


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Michela Bovi

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Deputy Permanent Representative: Minister Plenipotentiary Elisabetta Bucci

Appointment:14 November 2023


6, Rue des Arquebusiers



Tel: + 33 - 3 - 88 - 360944

Fax: + 33 - 3 - 88 - 251725

E-mail: missione.strasburgo@esteri.sm

Permanent Representation to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Elena Molaroni

Appointment: 18 February 2008


Permanent Representation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Elena Molaroni

Appointment: 24 January 2012


Counsellor: Carloalberto Giusti

Appointment: 27 February 2023


Prinz Eugen Strasse16/2/31



Tel: +43 1 9415969

Fax: +43 1 9415975

E-mail: missione.vienna@esteri.sm

Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)


Ambassador: Massimo Ferdinandi

Appointment: 6 February 2017


Tokopedia Tower 35th floor
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 11, Karet Semanggi



Tel: +62 - 21 - 2526055

Fax: + 62 - 21 - 25260055

E-mail: amb.ferdinandi@gov.sm

Permanent Representation to the International Maritime Organization (IMO)


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Giampaolo Bensaia
Appointment: 31 August 2021


Deputy Permanent Representative: Minister Plenipotentiary Gianluca Tucci

Appointment: 29 February 2024

Permanent Representation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)


Permanent Representative: Ambassador Eros Gasperoni

Appointment: 18 February 2008


6, Rue des Arquebusiers

67000 Strasbourg (France)


Tel: + 33 - 3 - 88 - 360944

Fax: + 33 - 3 - 88 - 251725

E-mail: sanmarino.opcw@esteri.sm

Permanent Delegation to UNESCO

Permanent Delegate, Ambassador: Leopoldo Guardigli

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Counsellor: David Khayat

Appointment: 2 May 1995


5, Avenue Gourgaud

75017 Paris (FRANCE)

Tel. and Fax: +33 1 47230475

E-mail: dl.san-marino@unesco-delegations.org

Department Ambassadors at large of San Marino

Ambassador at large  Antonella Benedettini

Appointment: 9 January 2024


Ambassador at large Giuliano Bianchi di Castelbianco

Appointment: 14 November 2023


Via Fogliano, 6

00199 ROME

Telefono: +39-06-86205910

E-mail: gbdc@alice.sm

Ambassador at large Sylvie Bollini

Appointment: 15 November 2021


Ambassador at large Gian Nicola Filippi Balestra

Appointment: 25 February 2014


Via Annio, 25

01100 Viterbo

Mobile +39 - 3398606077

E-mail: filippibalestra@hotmail.com

Ambassador at large Francesco Bongarrà

Appointment: 29 February 2024


Ambassador at large Renzo Ghiotti

Appointment: 18 January 2024


c/o Sicurezza e Salute s.r.l.

Strada Genghe di Atto, 136


Telefono: +378-0549-999771 - +378-0549-956119

E-mail: renzog51@gmail.com

Ambassador at large: Maria Lea Pedini

Appointment: 20 September 2021


Via del Voltone, 24

47890 San Marino

Republic of San Marino 

Tel: +39 335 7342385

E-mail: pediniml@gmail.com

Department Special Envoys of San Marino

Special Envoy Nicola Barone

Appointment: 21 June 2023


Via Baldassarre Longhena, 18

00163 ROMA

Mobile: 335-8103483

E-mail: nicola.barone@alice.it

Special Envoy Osvaldo Bevilacqua

Appoitment:  24 October 2023


Special Envoy Antonello Coletta

Appointment: 29 February 2024


Via Le Rughe, 23

00060 Formello (Roma)

Tel: +39.335.369864

Email: an.coletta@gmail.com

Special Envoy Lucio Leopoldo Daniele

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Via della Tana, 73

47890 San Marino

Republic of San Marino

Mobile: + 39 - 338 - 6025310

E-mail: lucio.daniele@gov.sm

Special Envoy Marco Di Lello

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Via Console, 3


Tel. +39 081 7648292 / 4611527

E-mail: info@marcodilello.it

Special Envoy Silvano Innocentini

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Rue Sautter 11 - 1205


Tel. +41-22-3204408

Mobile +41-79-4084941

E-mail: sinnocentini@hotmail.com

Special Envoy David Khayat

Appointment: 18 July 2023


1 bis avenue de Lowendal

2 ème étage droite


Tel. + 33 - 1 - 44189147

Special Envoy Veronica Moretti

Appointment: 9 January 2024


Witikonerstrasse 365


Telefono +41-779110956

E-mail: veronica.moretti@gov.sm

Special Envoy Takashi Okura

Appointment: 18 July 2023


3-5-1, Moto Azabu, Minato-ku

106-0046 TOKYO (JAPAN)

Tel. + 81 - 3- 54147745

Fax + 81 - 3- 34056789

E-mail: sanmarinoemb@tiscali.it

Special Envoy Lorenzo Riccardi

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Wusong Road 308, Floor 17


Tel.  + 86 -21-63362299

E-mail: min.riccardi@gov.sm

Special Envoy Massimo Alberto Scandroglio Anelli

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Palazzo Parma, 22
29027 Gariga (PC)

Tel. +39 335 6266885

Special Envoy Gordon Matthew Sumner

Appointment: 18 July 2023

Special Envoy: Trudie Sumner

Appointment: 18 July 2023

Special Envoy Jean Todt

Appointment: 18 July 2023


8, Place de la Concorde

75008 PARIS

Tel. + 33 - 1 - 43124455

Fax + 33 - 1 43124466

Special Envoy Gabriele Zivelonghi

Appointment: 18 July 2023


Via Consiglio dei Sessanta, 99

47891 Dogana


Tel. + 378 (0549) 905819

Mobile: + 39 - 335 - 5611312

E-mail: gabriele.zivelonghi@gov.sm