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Association Agreement with the European Union
Testo Accordo di Associazione - Versione non ufficiale



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The process of association with the European Union

This area of the website contains the information necessary to describe the process of association of the Republic of San Marino with the European Union and provides some details about the negotiations underway to reach an Association Agreement. These include institutionally important documents (agreements, parliamentary deeds, analyses and studies), the current composition of the negotiating team, the timeline and the topics of the negotiating sessions.


After a phase of consultations, meetings and in-depth studies aimed at identifying the best solutions to further strengthen relations within a renewed legal framework, on 16 December 2014 the Council of the European Union officially granted the Commission the mandate to negotiate one or more Association Agreements with the Republic of San Marino, the Principality of Andorra and the Principality of Monaco.


Following this decision, the ceremony to launch the negotiations was held on 18 March 2015 in Brussels, in the presence of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission (see here the video of the ceremony).


After more than eight years of negotiations, an important joint press conference was held on 12 December 2023 at the European Commission in Brussels, during which the Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino Luca Beccari and the Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra Xavier Espot have officially announced the successful completion of the negotiations aimed at stipulating an association agreement between the European Union and the respective countries.
Full video of the press conference
Full speech by Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič


After the the finalisation of the draft legal texts of the Association Agreement, on 26 April 2024 the European Commission has adopted proposals for Council decisions on the signing and provisional application, as well as on the conclusion of the Association Agreement. This represents a key step towards the ratification of the agreement.

On 7 May 2024 a joint press conference was held at the Berlaymont Building in Brussels, during which the Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino Luca Beccari and the Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra Xavier Espot have welcomed the finalisation of the draft legal texts of the Association Agreement.

Remarks by Executive Vice President Maroš Šefčovič and full video of the press conference.

Overview of the Agreement

The Association Agreement is an agreement that regulates the participation of a third state in a part of the activities of an international organisation. With regard to association with the European Union, the third state does not become a member of the Union (a status it would obtain through an accession process), it will have no economic obligations towards the European Union and, although it will not have any political representation, it will have consulting power.


While in accession agreements the EU negotiates the transposition of the entire EU acquis communautaire - i.e. the 35 chapters of EU law which are binding for the institutions, the EU member states and their citizens and economic operators - in the negotiation of an association agreement, the transposition of the entire acquis is reduced.


The associating third country is not required to fulfil all the obligations of the Member States, but rather to ensure the transposition of a part of European law. Indeed, one of the main legal features of the Association Agreement is the fact that the associating country must ensure the continuous transposition of the EU acquis, which is constantly evolving.


The Association Agreement between the European Union and Andorra and San Marino, is divided into the following sections: institutional framework, common for all States, Country protocols, one per State, regulating aspects related to the specificities of each country, and a section relating to the 25 annexes of the acquis, including the legislation to be transposed into the legal system.


These annexes concern the 4 fundamental freedoms (free movement of goods, persons, services and capital), as well as some horizontal EU policies (competition, consumer protection, electronic communication services, transport, environment, etc.) containing secondary legislation acts (legislative, delegated and implementing acts).


The 25 annexes that will be included in the Association Agreement are listed below.


Annex I - Food safety, veterinary, phytosanitary policy

Annex II - Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification

Annex III - Product liability

Annex IV – Energy

Annex V - Free movement of workers

Annex VI - Social security

Annex VII - Professional qualifications

Annex VIII – Establishment

Annex IX - Financial services

Annex X - Services in general

Annex XI - Electronic communications, audiovisual services, information society

Annex XII - Free movement of capital

Annex XIII – Transport

Annex XIV – Competition

Annex XV – State Aid

Annex XVI – Procurement

Annex XVII - Intellectual property

Annex XVIII - Health and safety at work, labour law and equal treatment for men and women for people with disabilities, for LGBTIQ persons and between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin, religion and age

Annex XIX - Consumer protection

Annex XX – Environment and Climate

Annex XXI – Statistics

Annex XXII - Company law

Annex XXIII – Customs

Annex XXIV – Agriculture

Annex XXV – Trade

Acts and documents of the European Union

In response to the request of San Marino for greater integration in the internal market of the European Union, since 2011 European institutions have produced several documents, indicated here below.


2024 - Press release proposal from the Commission to the Council for an association agreement with Andorra and San Marino of 26 April 2024


2024 - Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the signature, on behalf of the European Union, and the provisional application of the Agreement establishing an association between the European Union and the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino respectively of 26 April 2024


2024 - Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the agreement establishing an association between the European Union and respectively the Principality of Andorra and the Republic of San Marino of 26 April 2024


2023 - European Commission press release on the conclusion of the negotiations for an Association Agreement between the European Union and San Marino of 12 December 2023


2022 - Council Conclusions on a homogeneous extended Internal Market and EU relations with non-EU Western European countries and with the Faroe Islands of 21 June 2022


2019 - Report on a European Parliament recommendation to the Council, to the Commission and to the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the association agreement between the EU and Monaco, Andorra and San Marino of 11 February 2019


2018 - Council conclusions on a homogeneous extended internal market and EU relations with non-EU Western European countries of 11 December 2018


2016 - Council conclusions on a homogeneous extended single market and EU relations with Non-EU Western European countries of 13 December 2016


2014 - Press release of the Council of the European Union on the adoption of the mandate to negotiate one or several association agreements with the EU of 16 December 2014


2014 - Council conclusions on a homogeneous extended single market and EU relations with Non-EU Western European countries of 16 December 2014


2013 - Text of Council conclusions on EU relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Republic of San Marino and the Principality of Monaco of 16 December 2013


2013 - Report of the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the EU Relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino - options for their participation in the Internal Market of 18 November 2013


2012 - Council conclusions on EU relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Republic of San Marino and the Principality of Monaco, adopted by the Council of the European Union on 20 December 2012


2012 - Commission Staff Working Paper - obstacles to access by Andorra, Monaco and San Marino to the EU's Internal Market and Cooperation in other areas (accompanying the document mentioned above) of 20 November 2012


2012 - Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the EU Relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the Republic of San Marino - options for closer integration with the UE of 20 November 2012


2011 - Report of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on EU Relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Republic of San Marino and the Principality of Monaco of 14 June 2011 

National acts and documents



2024 - Decision on the acknowledgment of the document "Implementation strategy for the Association Agreement" containing preparatory interventions for a broader implementation strategy and future management of the agreement, approved by the Council Grande and General in the session of 15 March 2024


2024 - Decision to mandate the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to: propose to the Second Permanent Council Commission the guidelines for the implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union for the purposes of defining a programmatic document to be submitted to council approval, as well as proposing, also jointly with other Permanent Council Commissions, the implementation guidelines of the Agreement on specific protocols; continue the sharing work within the Mixed Commission; share the contents of the Agreement with citizens and continue to report on it to the council, approved by the Great and General Council in the session of 19 January 2024


2023 - Decision concluding the debate on the state of the negotiations on the Association Agreement with the European Union to commit the Government to continue the political debate in the appropriate fora and to strengthen information to citizens, as well as to continue the negotiations by seeking the closure of all still open annexes, in the interest of the Republic of San Marino, approved by the Parliament in its sitting of 27 october 2023


2023 - Decision to commit the Government to present the negotiating stance on the integration of San Marino's financial system into the European one, by reporting on a monthly basis to the Permanent Parliamentary Commissions II and III and intensifying the activity of the Joint Committee on the Association Agreement with the European Union, adopted by the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Commission for Finance in its sitting of 6 September 2023


2022 - Final Decision resulting from the debate on the Association Agreement with the European Union, approved by the Parliament in its sitting of 12 July 2022


2019 - Final Decision adopted following the debate on the report by the Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning the Association Agreement with the European Union, approved by the Parliament in its sitting of 26 April 2019


2019 - Decision on foreign policy in general and in particular on the relations with Italy and the state of negotiations for the Association Agreement with the European Union. Request for a debate on this issue, approved by the Parliament in its sitting of 15 February 2019


2017 - Decision which commits the Government to report on the progress of the Association Agreement with the European Union to the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs, at least on a quarterly basis in a secret session, presented by all parliamentary groups and adopted unanimously by the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs in its sitting of 30 November 2017


2015 - Final Decision resulting from the debate on the mandate for the conclusion of one or more Association Agreements with the European Union, approved by the Great and General Council in its sitting of 23 January 2015


2014 - Final Decision ensuing from the debate on the Report from the European Commission and the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union concerning the options for the participation of Small States in the Internal Market of the EU, approved by the Great and General Council in its sitting of 24 January 2014


2013 - Concluding petition submitted by majority Parliamentary Groups committing the Government to: continue the assessment of the administrative capacity necessary to the implementation of the acquis communautaire by drafting an ad-hoc plan of action; pursue the objective of the integration of San Marino with the European Union by progressively transposing community legislation into national law; report to Parliament on implementation status every six months, approved by the Great and General Council in its sitting of 28 February 2013


2011 - Petition submitted by the Parliamentary Group of the Party of the Socialists and Democrats (PSD) at the conclusion of the debate on the Report of the Council of the European Union on the EU Relations with the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco and the Republica of San Marino, approved by the Permanent Parliamentary Commission for Foreign Affairs in its sitting of 13 July 2011


2011 - Petition submitted by the majority Parliamentary Groups and Representatives at the conclusion of the debate on the development of relations with the European Union, approved by the Great and General Council in its sitting of 7 June 2011


2010 - Petition submitted by the majority Parliamentary Groups committing the Government to start negotiations for an increased integration of the Republic of San Marino with the European Union, approved by the Great and General Council in its sitting of 15 December 2010





2017 - Decision n. 4 of 23.01.2017 -  Composition of the Technical Group in charge of supporting the process of association of San Marino with the European Union


2015 - Decision n. 3 of 27.07.2015 - Composition of the technical group responsible for supporting the process of greater European integration


2014 - Decision n. 12 of 29.04.2014 - Government provisions on the start of negotiations with the European Union, authorisation of expenditure and transfer from the Reserve Fund for unforeseen expenditure





2013 - Results of the referendum held on 20 October 2013 on initiation of EU accession procedure


2013 - Regency Decree no. 88 of 23 July 2013 "Date of Propositive Referenda"



Approfondimenti (a cura della Direzione Affari Europei)
Insights (by the European Affairs Directorate)

Below is a list, in order of recent publication, of in-depth thematic studies, drafted in Italian by the Directorate of European Affairs.


Click on the title to view an extract of the document. For more information on this and for possible consultation, please send a request to the following email address: affari.europei@esteri.sm


Processo di associazione di San Marino e analisi dell’acquis dell’Ue - Aggiornamento 2022 (156 pagine, 2022)


Processo di associazione di San Marino e analisi dell’acquis dell’Ue - Aggiornamento 2021 (147 pagine, 2021)


Studio comparativo sulle strutture amministrative che governano la materia statistica nei seguenti Stati: Grecia, Malta, Slovenia, Cipro, Islanda e Liechtenstein (13 pagine, 2021)


Processo di associazione di San Marino e analisi dell’acquis dell’Ue - Aggiornamento 2020 (60 pagine, 2021)


EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) – Chiarimenti e approfondimenti (17 pagine, 2020)


Processo di associazione di San Marino e analisi dell’acquis dell’Ue – Sintesi del lavoro svolto (giugno 2016 – settembre 2019) (127 pagine, 2019)


Tabella di comparazione tra la Convenzione del 1974 e l’acquis europeo in materia di sicurezza sociale (80 pagine, 2019)


– Libertà di stabilimento – Principato del Liechtenstein e San Marino a confronto (10 pagine, 2019)


La vigilanza finanziaria nell’Unione europea: alcuni casi di studio (46 pagine, 2019)


Direttiva 2014/24/UE: analisi e riflessioni sulla questione delle "soglie" (36 pagine, 2018)


Concorrenza (Annex XIV), l’esempio di alcuni Stati membri dell’Unione europea. Tre casi di studio: la Repubblica maltese, la Repubblica croata e la Repubblica slovena. (15 pagine, 2018)


Area Schengen: il caso del Liechtenstein (37 pagine, 2018)


- Libertà di stabilimento nell’Unione europea - Analisi e approfondimento della legislazione sammarinese in materia di residenze e soggiorno (104 pagine, 2018)


INSPIRE “Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe” (29 pagine, 2018)


Atti del Seminario L'integrazione nel "Single Market" dei Paesi terzi europei: gli Stati di ridotte dimensioni - 31 marzo 2017 (58 pagine, 2017)


Analisi delle implicazioni derivanti dall’adozione di provvedimenti per la produzione di sostanze psicotrope per uso terapeutico - Importazione di semi di canapa (7 pagine, 2017)


AA. VV.: “Relazione sullo studio dei provvedimenti per la produzione delle sostanze psicotrope per uso terapeutico” (32 pagine, 2017)


Schede di sintesi degli incontri del Gruppo Tecnico sull’Unione europea, relative agli aspetti istituzionali e alle quattro libertà fondamentali (24 pagine, 2014)


Domande supplementari al questionario della Unione europea – Risposte di San Marino (44 pagine, 2014)


Questionario della Unione europea – Risposte di San Marino (439 pagine, 2013)


Sintesi del Rapporto del Gruppo Tecnico per la valutazione di nuove modalità di integrazione con l’Unione Europea - febbraio 2011 (74 pagine, 2011)


Rapporto definitivo e consolidato del Gruppo tecnico per la valutazione di nuove modalità di integrazione con l’Unione Europea, presentato nella sessione di dicembre del 2010 del Consiglio Grande e Generale della Repubblica di San Marino (pagine, 2010)

Negotiating team (as of 12 December 2023)


Ambassador Antonella Benedettini

Head of the Mission of the Republic of San Marino to the European Union



Director - Luca Brandi, Minister Plenipotentiary

Giovanni Luca Ghiotti, Counsellor

Lino Zonzini, Counsellor

Luca Ghinelli, Legal Expert

Paola Ghiotti, Legal Expert

Elisabetta Lonfernini, Legal Expert

Sara Zucchi, Legal Expert

Mattia Conti, Economic Expert



Lisa Gualtieri, Counsellor

Michela Bovi, Counsellor



Prof. Roberto Baratta, Legal Advisor of the Government

Negotiating sessions and topics discussed



Session of 6-7 December - Veterinary and Phytosanitary, Free movement of capital, Labor law, Transport, Energy, Statistics, Company law, Environment and climate (bilateral);
Institutional provisions of the Association Agreement, Financial Services Protocol and Framework Protocols (multilateral)


Technical session 29 November - Transport (bilateral)


Session of 7-8 November - Competition, State Aid, Professional qualifications, Services in general, Veterinary and Phytosanitary, Customs, Agricolture, Trade, Free Movement of Workers, Right of establishment, Labour Law, Transport,Energy (bilateral); Institutional provisions of the Association Agreement, Protocol financial services and Framework protocols (multilateral)


Technical session 13 and 16 October – Statistics (bilateral)


Session of 11-12 October - Professional qualifications, State Aid, Health and safety at work, Company law (bilateral); Institutional provisions of the Association Agreement (multilateral)


Technical session 3 October – Professional qualifications (bilateral)


Session of 18-19 September - Veterinary and Phytosanitary, Company Law, Services in General, Free Movement of Workers, Right of Establishment e Labour Law (bilateral);
Services Financiers and Institutional provisions of the Association Agreement (multilateral)


Session of 12 July – Telecommunications, Free Movement of capital, Transport, Company Law and Institutional provisions of the Association Agreement (multilateral)


Session of 21-22 June - Veterinary and Phytosanitary, Energy, Telecommunications, Free Movement of capital, State aid, Statistics, Company Law (bilateral);
Law and Institutional provisions and Structure of the Association Agreement (multilateral)


Technical session 4 June – Free Movement of Workers (bilateral)


Technical session 23 May – State Aid (bilateral)


Session of 11 May - Free movement of capital, energy and climate, equal treatment, competition, company law


Session of 19 April - Telecommunications, free movement of capital, health and safety at work, environment and climate, company law


Technical session 14 April – Financial services (bilateral)


Technical session 29 March – Free Movement of Workers (bilateral)


Session of 16 March - Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification, environmental protection, telecommunications, recognition of professional qualifications, transport, procurement, environment and climate


Session of 1 February - Free Movement of Workers, Labour Law, Financial Services, Energy, State Aid, Competition



Technical session 13 December – Financial Services (multilateral)


Session of 12 December - Energy, safety at work, labour law, equal treatment, procurement


Session of 21 November - State aid, freedom of establishment


Session of 10 October - Freedom of establishment, (bilateral) competition, consumer protection, free movement of workers


Session of 30 June - Electronic communications, procurement


Technical session 9 June - Consumer protection (multilateral)


Session of 5 May - Freedom of Establishment, State Aid


Session of 10 March - Technical regulations, standards, testing and certification, environment and climate, consumer protection



Session of 9 December - Environment and climate; safety at work, labour law, equal treatment


Session of 26 October - Environment and climate; safety at work, labour law, equal treatment; energy, agriculture


Session of 1 July - Transport (focus on road transport), trade; environment and climate; health and safety at work, labour law, equal treatment for men and women; coordination of social security systems


Session of 18 March - Transport (focus on road transport legislation), intellectual property, coordination of social security systems, technical regulations, standards, testing and certification



Session of 9 December - Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy; transport (with a focus on road transport)


Session of 14 October - Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy, technical regulations, standards, testing and certification, energy; statistics


Session of 30 September - Intellectual Property


Session of 2 July - Product Liability


Session of 29 June - Customs, trade



Session of 9 October - Meeting on the Status of Negotiations (bilateral)


Session of 2-3 July - Institutional framework (multilateral), electronic communications (bilateral), State aid and competition (bilateral), Schengen (bilateral), air transport (bilateral), energy (bilateral), free movement of persons and workers (bilateral), freedom of establishment and to provide services (bilateral), postal services (bilateral)


Session of 3-4 June - Institutional Framework (multilateral), State Aid and Competition (multilateral)


Session of 14-15 May - Electronic communications (bilateral), energy (bilateral), air transport (bilateral), pharmaceutical sector (bilateral), recognition of San Marino residence and stay permits (bilateral), freedom of establishment and to provide services (bilateral), customs (bilateral), state aid and competition (bilateral); free movement of persons and workers (bilateral), postal services (bilateral)


Session of 8-11 April - Institutional framework (multilateral), good governance in the tax area (multilateral), preferential agreements (multilateral), electronic communications (bilateral), energy (bilateral), customs (bilateral), pharmaceutical sector (bilateral), recognition of San Marino residence and stay permits (bilateral), free movement of persons and workers (bilateral)


Session of 4-7 March - Institutional Framework (multilateral and bilateral), State Aid and Competition (multilateral)


Session of 22-24 January - Institutional framework (multilateral), health and safety at work, labour law, equal treatment for men and women (bilateral), state aid and competition (bilateral), transport (bilateral), cooperation outside the four freedoms (multilateral), monopoly with a focus on energy (bilateral)



Session of 26-29 November - Institutional framework, free movement of capital (bilateral), financial services (multilateral and bilateral), State aid and competition (multilateral and bilateral), statistics (multilateral), free movement of workers (bilateral), coordination of social security systems (bilateral), health and safety at work, labour law, equal treatment of men and women (bilateral)


Session of 22-25 October - Institutional framework, consumer protection (multilateral), State aid and competition (bilateral and multilateral), free movement of capital (multilateral), intellectual property (bilateral), electronic communications (bilateral), trade (multilateral), procurement (bilateral), free movement of workers (bilateral), coordination of social security systems (bilateral), health and safety at work, labour law, equal treatment for men and women (bilateral), cooperation outside the four freedoms (multilateral)


Session of 2-5 July - Institutional framework, free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral) and transposition of the acquis, environment (bilateral), social policy (multilateral), cooperation in the fight against fraud (multilateral), state aid and competition (multilateral), free movement of workers (bilateral), coordination of social security systems (bilateral), health and safety at work, labour law, equal treatment for men and women (bilateral)


Session of 14-17 June - Institutional framework, free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral), group for the transposition of the acquis, provision of services (bilateral), transport (multilateral and bilateral), freedom of establishment (bilateral), free movement of capital, fight against fraud, state aid and competition, product liability (multilateral), social policy (multilateral)


Session of 23-26 April - Institutional framework, freedom to provide services (bilateral), free movement of goods (multilateral), freedom of establishment, free movement of capital, professional qualifications, energy


Session of 19-22 March - Institutional framework, free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral), transposition of the EU acquis, free movement of capital, environment, intellectual property, consumer protection, customs, agriculture, cooperation in the fight against fraud


Session of 29-31 January - Institutional framework, free movement of goods, freedom to provide services and transport, right of establishment, free movement of capital, environment



Session of 12-14 December - Free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral) and transposition of the acquis, right of establishment, institutional framework, cooperation


Session of 9-12 October - Free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral) and transposition of the acquis, institutional framework, right of establishment, freedom to provide services (transport)


Session of 11-12 July - Free movement of goods (multilateral and bilateral), institutional framework, free movement of persons, transposition of the EU acquis, freedom to provide services (professional qualifications, posted workers, cross-border services)


Session of 16-18 May - Free movement of goods, freedom to provide services and transport, right of establishment, institutional framework


Session of 21-23 March - Free movement of goods, transposition of the EU acquis, freedom to provide services


Session of 31 January-2 February - Free movement of goods, freedom to provide services, institutional framework



Session of 8-10 November - Free movement of goods, freedom to provide services


Session of 20-23 September - Free movement of goods, institutional framework


Session of 6-8 June - Free movement of goods, institutional framework


Session of 25-28 April - Free movement of goods and relevant EU acquis list, institutional framework


Session of 15-17 March - Free movement of goods, customs union, institutional framework


Session of 1-5 February - Free Movement of Goods and Institutional Framework



Session of 2-3 December - Free movement of goods


Session of 23 October - Institutional framework


Session of 22-23 September - Free movement of goods


Session of 22 June - Institutional framework


Session of 4-5 May - Institutional framework